(Reuters) -BMW hopes that its results before the fourth quarter taxes will be significantly below last year and that its margin throughout the year will be in the lower half of its 6-7%target, according to The slides published on the website of the Vehicle Manufacturer on Tuesday.
The highest inflation and fixed costs of the development inventory reached its benefits in the last three months, according to the slides published on its website, causing a year -on -year fall to last year’s levels.
The slides were presented during a call with investors who were not open to the press for a closed period on the company’s information before the annual results, which will be published on March 14.
BMW reduced their prospects during the year to 6-7% of 8-10% in September and recorded a 61% fall for the third quarter last year, which lacked the expectations of analysts due to Reducing China’s sales and brake problems.
(Report by Victoria Waldersee, edition of Miranda Murray)