Looking for the Latest Strands Answer? Click here for our daily hints in strandsAs well as our daily answers and clues for The New York Times Mini Crossword, Wordle and Puzzle Connections.
Nyt now Threads The puzzle is probably a hard one. If you see one or two answers, the category is clear, but not all answers are household words. If you need tips and answers, read.
Also, I go to the deepest part of rules for strands in this story.
If you are now looking for answers to Wordle, Connections and Mini Crosswords, you can visit NYT Puzzle Hint page in CNET.
Read more: NYT connections became 1: These are 5 hardest puzzles today
Suggestion for strands puzzle today
The theme today strands are: Ore they say.
If that doesn’t help you, here is a sign: Heavy metal.
Clue words to unlock in-game hints
Your goal is to find the secret words that fit the puzzle theme. If you get stuck, find any words you can do. Each time you find three words in four letters or more, strands reveal one of the words themes. These are the words I use to get clues, but any words in four or more letters you can find are available:
- Runt, Tint, Riot, Noir, Luke, Blam, Mule, Unit, Mail, Mold, Cold, Mutt, Main, Tome, Bale
Answers for Strands Puzzle Now
These are the answers involved in the theme. The puzzle goal is to find them all, including spangram, a theme word that comes from a side of the puzzle to the other. If you’ve got everything (at first I thought there was always eight but knowing that the number could vary), each letter on the chalkboard will be used. Here are non spangram answers:
- IRon, Cobalt, Nickel, Cadmium, Aluminum, Titanium
Current strands spangram
The Strands Spangram today PureMetal. To find it, start P with three letters to the right of the upper row, and down.