Investment in artificial intelligence firm firmerek claims to the highest place in the US Apple Inc., long-term leader in AI applications.
The Apper in Derepseek, which is run by the R1 cut model, rapidly get popular for the answers like the person with complex efficiency. R1 model, one of the most advanced AI systems in the world, offering more accuracy, faster response times, and enhanced multilingual support.
Depeekek collapse also provides a reevaluation to AI scene. The analysts suggest competitive price and strong performance that harms market dynamics, forcing incumbents to match.
Deresteek officially launches the app on January 13, which offers free access to advanced AI models.
Meanwhile, chatgpt, a staple of app charts since its debut, remains a majority used but challenged by derekek flow.
The new benchmark set by Chinese AI on one side of the cost is the pressure of industry leaders such as Meta Platforms (Naasq :), Micda-Corporation (Naasq :), Micsiaq :), Micsiaq :), Micsiaq :), Micsiaq :), Micsiaq :), Micsiaq 🙂 ), Micsia tech leaders.