Earlier this month, Sony revealed that it plans to make live-action movies for the Horizon Zero Dawn and Helldivers. The latter is a co-op shooter about space marines fighting aliens, and usually for sci-fi war movies with big stars: your Tom CruiseChris Pratts, and others. When it comes to developer Arrowhead Game Studios executives, it is said that the movie will indeed bring some big names… die horribly.
Arrowhead recently held a Q&A on Helldivers Discord, and some players have questions about the movie. When asked by a player, CEO Shams Jorjani said the studio was “hoping for as many A-list actors as possible, as long as they all get killed off.” After the announcement of the movie, fans made a joke fantasy casting that included Pratt, Jack Black, and Adam Sandler as creatures or non-descript marines from the game, such as the Bile Titan. Jorjani’s comment has since prompted players to keep running with the jokeso now stars like Sean Bean, Aaron Paul, and Dwayne Johnson have been added to the cast mix. Have a star you’d like to see get cast in this movie? Tell us in the comments!
Not much of a joke, Jorjani told another player that Arrowhead was hiding “a few” things about Helldivers movie. But he and CCO Johan Pilestedt think the film studio’s involvement should go a long way. On Twitter, Pilestedt recently explained that the developers “are not Hollywood people, and we don’t know what it takes to make a movie. So we don’t, and shouldn’t, have the last say. ” The number of input game developers have in an adaptation varies: creator of Last of us and League of Legends many are involved in these shows, while others do not cook much in the kitchen.
When it comes to the quality of the finished product, that also varies, and there is no hard science to determine how much the creator has done for a success in the eyes of newcomers and longtime fans. . It looks like the Helldivers The movie is currently in the very early stages, if it’s Sony continues to make it. But it’s a given influences on gameslooks like you need it TRIALS to misalign them.
(through VG247)
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