In the latest season of Shark Tank India, a 19-year-old founder impressed the sharks with his previous success in building multiple startups. At the start of his presentation, Himanshu Rajpurohit, the 19-year-old founder of health app Nexera.Health, stated that he had built 2 businesses before and sold them to start a third successful one.
Nexera.Health is an end-to-end healthcare platform for businesses and focuses on preventive care, diagnostics and telehealth. The platform also aims to improve employee health and productivity.
Rajpurohit sought funding of ₹75 lakh in exchange for a 1.5 percent stake in his company. He also mentioned that OYO founder Ritesh Agarwal inspired him to start his journey as an entrepreneur at a young age.
Despite an impressive start, the 19-year-old entrepreneur failed to land the deal with the Sharks due to his overconfidence.
The pitch went viral on social media. Needless to say, netizens were angered by the young founder’s overconfidence and called the field “difficult to watch.” “I wanted to be treated like a prodigy,” commented one social media user. “His arrogance was next level,” wrote a second user.
“Their website was terribly misleading. Our partners, they get AWS, Microsoft, etc. The whole thing looked like a scam as soon as the website was displayed. No wonder all the sharks left immediately,” he write a third user.
“The Nexera launch was hard to watch. The launcher just kept on blowing their own horn. I still don’t know what their product is because I got disconnected halfway through. Too much bak bak,” said another user.
While Kunal Bahl wasn’t sure about the app’s appeal to CFOs, Vineeta Singh asked the young founder about the viability of his app in a saturated market.
While Rajpurohit didn’t seem to have an answer to these questions, the situation only got worse when he said he was on the show as a mentor and could have raised investments from other places.
This response irked BoAt Lifestuyle co-founder Aman Gupta, who accused Himanshu of having a “successor hangover which is reflected in his third business”. Bahl also noted that the 19-year-old apparently rushed to create a new version of the app just two days before his appearance on Shark Tank India, which made the Sharks skeptical.
Not only that, Emcure Pharmaceuticals CEO Namita Thapar also refused to bid, citing lack of differentiation in the application.