indian pacer Ardeep Singh Earn his name in the history books by becoming India’s leading wicket-taker in T20Is. His historic achievement came during the first T20I five-match series against England Wednesday, January 22, at Kolkata’s iconic Eden Gardens. The left-arm seamer surpasses the record of the experienced spinner Yuzvendra ChahalHolding the record of 96 wickets, he topped the list with 97 wickets.
Arshdeep Singh overtakes Yuzvendra Chahal in T20Is
Ashdeep’s landmark moment begins as he equals Chahal’s record, dismissing Phil Salter Only got a duck on the third ball of the innings.
Gone! 💥#ashdeepsingh Providing breakthrough, Phil Salter was caught #SanjuSamson On duck! ☝
📺 Watch for free on Disney+ Hotstar: #INDVENGOnJioStar 👉 The first T20I is now live on Disney+ Hotstar and Star Sports! | #KyleAsmani
— Star Sports (@StarSportsIndia) January 22, 2025
The 24-year-old pacer didn’t stop there as he claimed his 97th scalp. Ben Duckett On his second turn. This feat not only cemented his place in the history of Indian cricket but also cemented his status as the cornerstone of India’s T20I bowling line-up. This achievement follows his earlier record in the previous series against South Africa, when Ashdeep deposed the South Africans Bhuvneshwar Kumar Became the most successful Indian pacer in T20Is. He currently has 97 wickets in 61 matches, which highlights his consistency and winning abilities.
Arshdeep is too precise to handle! 2 wickets🔥🔥🏏
Duckett leaves England 17-2#INVENG #ashdeep
— Rana Husnain Aleem (@husnain19X) January 22, 2025
Brilliant career trajectory
Since his debut in 2022, Arshdeep has emerged as India’s strike bowler, displaying excellent control and temperament, especially in high-pressure situations and death overs. Prior to this match, he had taken 95 wickets in 60 games, reflecting his meteoric rise in international cricket. in transcendence Jasprit BumrahAshdeep took a record of 89 wickets in 69 innings, an achievement that highlighted his skill and efficiency. Bumrah’s economy rate of 6.27 has long been lauded, but Arshdeep’s performance in crucial moments and ability to adapt to different conditions have made him India’s most reliable T20 bowler.
Also read: Michael Vaughan predicts the winner and score of IND vs ENG T20I series
England’s powerful attack: a mixed bag
England’s powerplay innings saw a combination of early striking and resilience. India opted to strike first at Eden Gardens and got through Ashdeep early. The left-arm pacer set the tone for the home team by dismissing Salter for a duck in the first over. Duckett followed, caught behind a sharp delivery from Arshdeep, and England were 17/2 in the third over. Despite setback, England captain If the housekeeper He showed his class with an aggressive start, hitting 6 boundaries in an unbeaten 34 off 22 balls. supporter Harry BrookeButtler steadied things with six not out. At the end of Game of Thrones, England’s record reached 46/2maintaining a good run rate of 7.66. Arshdeep’s talent and Hardik PandyaThe costly overs set up an eventful first six that left the game delicately balanced.