By Rodrigo Campos
New York (Reuters) – Added to foreign investors of $ 273.5 billion in their developing market justification and portfolios of last year’s debt published on Friday.
$ 273.5 billion Inflows for 2024 is the lead of $ 177.4 billion in 2023 despite the less than $ 375 billion average between 2019-2021, according to the report from the Institute of Insustry Finance Finance.
Almost all the flow is placed in the last year with $ 219 billion added to the debt outside China and $ 54.2 billion in debt in China. The picture is more divided into stocks, which Chinese equities run $ 11.3 billion as the world’s economic economic lost $ 11 billion.
The US growth and force of dollars is to flow into advancing markets most of the year, and the Federal Reserve itself extends the cuts of 2025 – which in turn provides additional dollar support.
The signs of a US monetary policy to support EM assets overall.
“In total 2024, the strong dollar and raised US yields created significant headwinds for debt markets,” as the Fed to start cutting the rate in the rates of coming months.
“While fed stubborns will provide a necessary recovery, the maintained recovery of em equities likely to require cliff growth measures in chief markets such as China,” he said.
Jpmorgan warned Thursday at a sudden stop on the flow of advancing markets as a strong US economy that evokes investors to improve countries to see countries.
Although the idiosyncrasies continue to dictate the flow, as seen in equity inflows in December in India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan.
Breaking the Moon’s data displays that net-residents add a net $ 14.4 billion to exit market portfolios, with stock posting net worth flowing.
Regional America in Latin led by the flowers with $ 6.6 billion followed by Asia with $ 5.3 billion, while Africa and the Middurning Europe, and the Middurning Europe, and the Middle East, and the Middle Europe pulls $ 1.7 billion and $ 1.1 billion each.