The investor, former CEO of Github CEO, and all of Tech Guy ™ nat friedman posted a strange attractive X.
his place Read, “Volunteers need to go to my Palo Alto office today to build a 5000 piece of LEGO set. Give pizza. Please DM.” Please DM. “
Thanks for investigating my Intrepid Colterague Kyle, we know he’s not kidding.

Legos and Pizza make the promise on a good Friday night if I’m honest, but NDA has got me.
I am not legal expert. But I can say, with some degree of trust, you don’t have to go around signing NDAs Willy-nilly. And yet, if I live in Palo Alto, I’ll show up on this lego set and sign that NDA, no question asked by a secret Silicon Valley Lego hard to resist.
A little strange to be a famous investor who makes this public offer. She needs to know that she’ll give up on Stanford Sophomores who want to replace their idea of starting, right? But 5,000-piece LEGO sets are not joke, and if you have 215,000 followers, why can’t you help a scary challenge to architecture?
That is to say, I can pass the whole “The Legos will come with me” thing.
The rich tech folk deserves fun too! But the NDA’s part is damaging me and now I need to live the rest of my life knowing that there is a strangely going on this meeting with NDA thoughts. He can do this cool and chat with potential builders before they let them have to sign an NDA. But he put it all over there.
What can be the secret of this Lego night? Friedman has access to some top-secret lego sets you can only get through the company’s relationship years, like a birkin bag for nerds?
Or would he want to make sure no one would appear to go to rogue and tell everyone where his office is? I know that some offers need people they hang out to sign up with the NDAs, but listen: the github is cool and all I have to be the same level of fame. that Timothée Chalamet.
However, if any of the Palo Alto likes the Legos and cool to break up with an NDA to help the lowest stakes journalism you think, hit me.