Overall, about 10 attempts to change the Gulf name returned last week at OpenStreetmap. Many contributors struggle with OSM should wait Common use of society To change before making an edit of the Gulf’s main name. “The main purpose of OSM is to reflect the people of the right, which seeks the precision and neutrality of dealing with different views,” says Clifford Snow in recent disagree.
A similar back-and-a Over the denali. But achieving agreement can make the wind make it difficult. “I do not believe that OSM is able to choose one (name), without offending some users somewhere,” an intermediary writer. “We need a passage from this quagmire without joining the editing of wars.”
Some contributors are discussed if it deserves to do changes. The Mapping Trividers, including Google, say that they followed the Geography system in US Geologicali Survey (GNIS), but new names have not been updated. The Department of Interior Stiresperson Elizabeth Peace refuses to think about USGS personnel may go around processing updates.
Under a single 1947 lawdecisions for which geographical names use US government should be held in the interior secretary and the Board of geographical namesor BGN, a panel of officers from a heating to government agencies. GNIS is a repository of names approved by BGN.
As Tuesday, at least one Member listed In BNG did not receive letters or records related to the name of the Gulf, according to a request filed under freedom information. That suggests even the usual mechanisms are excluded, or that other authorities used to change the official name. The interviewer in the interior department refuses to comment.
Another point of uncertainty when the whole Gulf must name. The President’s command answered “the US Continental Shelf area tied to northeast, North, and Northwespi, Alabama and Florida and Florida and Florida and Florida and Cuba.”
But as an OpenStreetmap contributor who wrote, “The Gulf of Mexico is greater than this. So instead of a replacement, this executive command makes a new name for one a sub area of Mexican Gulf. “
The White House does not respond to the wired request to explain the intended boundaries for the new name. If the change is available in any non-US territory, the US National Geostatial-Intelligence Agency must update what geographical names are known, a database of foreign locations. Gefatial-Intelligence-Intelligence agency refuses to comment.
Mikel Maron, a spokesman for open opportunity today, continues their discussion. “Finally the OSM Foundation Data Working Group rode to place a set of any major OSM database changes Until things are more obvious“He said.
The snow, the member of the working group, saying that involvement of trending leaves the Gulf of Mexico and Denali as basic names and Add a label to each other for the new US officer. But if the Gulf of America gets on, the open-source map should be followed.
Tim Marchman’s further report.