Why Syria is so embarrassed | Syrian War

Today’s Syria is the most dynamic diplomatic place in the Middle East, because it is the most controversial region in strategy -for thousands of years. The results of controlling Syrian governance and alliances will determine the political trends of Li Fante and the wider range of the Middle East in the next few years.

Due to the unique status and status of Syria, the three concentric circles of domestic, regional and global behaviors are competing for power and influence in Syria. Because of its human and natural resources, strategic geographical locations, and political, cultural and ethnic people in the Middle East and the world, it is a rare complete and important Arab country.

Today’s Syria, although it has gone through half a century of authoritarian violence and the thirteen years of war, it is already dilapidated, but hundreds of diplomats, businessmen, citizen activists and smuggles still live in. But this is not fresh.

Since Damascus and Aleppo have become high -quality, vibrant and strategic urban centers in the 3,000 BC, people and ruler on Syrian land have experienced this in the past 5,000 years. In recorded human history, Syria’s land and people have continuously generated knowledge, value system, food, wealth, culture, technology, and identity, making their land a strategic and mouth -watering global crossroad.

Land travel through Syria revealed the overlapping networks of roads, forts, farms, water supply systems, and urban centers. These networks have long provided services to connecting East and West and North -South trade routes connecting Asia, Europe and Africa. Along the way, the main cities of Syria -Aleppo, Damascus, Homes, Hama, Delzer, Parmila, Dra Takia, etc. -These cities are in the history of the country in the country’s history Play an important role. Different ethnic and religious groups coexist in these strategic city centers -Sunni, Shiite, Alavi, Druz, Christians, Armenians, Jews, Arabs, Kurds, Chelks wait. Throughout history, they live together by disagreement based on the formal and informal negotiations of these cities.

Syria has always been special, because it is the most complete Arab country that enjoys all assets with real national status and national status. These include fertile land and water resources; minerals and agricultural wealth; industrial bases; human wealth of skilled citizens, skilled managers and entrepreneurs; diversified citizens are full of vibrant and creative urban centers, as well as deep -rooted villages and rural areas Settlement; strong ethnic and cultural identity; wealth and trade routes to the three continents through land and maritime.

Because of its internal wealth and strategic geographical location, it is also an important country. Ancient and modern Empires -from Greece, Rome, Persia, Byzantine and India to Britain and France, let alone Russia and the United States -both fighting to control Syria to ensure that its resources and important cross -continent routes are ensured. Traversing it. If you want to experience how it works, you can go to Damascus to live in the hotel for a few days.

Compared with any other Arab countries, including modern Egyptian and energy -rich bay countries, Syria also has a greater influence, because it exudes the wave of emotions and identity throughout the region, reflects that ordinary Arabs are to realize their human and citizens to realize their human and citizens. What you want to seek. At different moments of the last century, these emotions originated from the fields of diversification, constitutionalism, Islamic, anti -colonialism, and Arabianism.

Syria is also important for people around the world because its experience reminds us of the advantages, disadvantages, failures, identities and desires of the entire modern Arab region.

For thousands of years, “Syria” refers to the larger Syrian, or BILAD-EL-SHAM (“Shatham”), including some of the territories of Lifante’s large parts and crescents. Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, and some areas of Turkey and Iraq.

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the militarism of the French and British Empire prevented the birth of the monarchy based on the election parliament in 1920. Unexpectedly, subsequent colonial countries also suffered the same trouble and vulnerability as most Arab countries. today.

These include: anti -colonial resistance and independent struggle that has never achieved complete sovereignty; uninterrupted foreign military intervention; attempts for negotiation and participating decisions always end with dictatorship and military rule; education, healthcare, infrastructure and economic growth have emerged. It has developed several real development, but due to corruption, poor management, and lack of accountability, it eventually fell into stagnation and deterioration; and the diversified society of sectarian war that often succumbed to external forces.

Today, many Arab and other citizens in our region watched Syria’s transformation with hope and admiration. We all hope that Syria will become the world’s first self -determination, citizen recognition, real democracy and sovereignty.

Each of us knows that the current leadership of Syria comes from Islamic organizations. They have been in the Said in Iraq, which they occupy in the United States, and overturned the Bashar Assad regime with the assistance of the United States, Israel, Turkey, and other non -Syrian countries. Essence This will only exacerbate our cheers about Syrians to achieve their ambitious goals.

The regions and international powers that affect the new leadership of Syria will use bribes, weapons and tricks to ensure that the new Syria is consistent with them. If the new authorities resist, they will definitely face foreign aggressive and funding to overthrow their attempts, as often happened in the area in the past.

To a certain extent, Syria today’s struggle to fight for dignified and stable national status is the historic that has been fighting for democracy, diversification and equal rights for everyone over the past ten years. Late climax. As in 1920, Syria today is also testing whether external forces can allow citizens to define themselves and set an example for other countries in the region. If any Arab citizen can do this, it is Syrian, because they have practiced for 5,000 years for this moment.

The point of view expressed in this article is the author’s own point of view, and it does not necessarily reflect the editorial position of the Peninsula TV station.

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