Citizen Sleeper 2 asks how we can remain human in a hopeless future

Life for Sleepers is full. They gain consciousness in a state of indentured servitude, a simulated human mind inside an android body, forced to work until they are discarded. Those who escape don’t last long because of the trackers on their bodies, and their hardcoded reliance on a drug known as the Stabilizer. Without it, a Sleeper’s body will eventually reject its biosynthetic organs.

If this sounds like the worst excesses of today’s technology taken to the worst, you know what Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector’s creator, Gareth Damian Martin, drives the.

Sleeping Citizen “I’ve been drawing things since my early 20s,” they told me the pastMartin talked a lot about how the time they spent as a gig economy worker informed the separation and atomization of labor that ran through the original game, which they released in to widespread critical acclaim in 2022.

“With the Sleeping citizen 2I no longer look at things from that perspective, I still think a little bit about how we can continue to build a future when we know it will be destroyed. We know that there is an inevitable entropy in everything, not only political systems and structures, but our lives and our physical bodies. We know it’s going to break, and yet every day, we keep getting up and we keep doing things.

For story reasons I will not spoil, the future protagonist Sleeping citizen 2 were able to deactivate their tracker and no longer needed a Stabilizer, but that didn’t make their lives any less dangerous. hope Sleeping Citizen only happened on a space station, Sleeping citizen 2 It allows the player to explore the Starward Belt, a location frequently referenced in the first game.

With the locale change comes a ship and crew for the player to manage, and a dramatic increase in range. At approximately 250,000 words in length, Citizen Sleeper 2’s The script is almost twice as long as the original play. The stakes are also higher, with a corporate proxy war threatening to engulf the Starward Belt.

The Sleeper meets a character while away on a contractThe Sleeper meets a character while away on a contract

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Martin is working Sleeping citizen 2 in nearly two years, or roughly the same amount of time it took them to complete the original game. All the important systems were already in place, allowing Martin to spend more time experimenting with the game and writing the story, especially drawing two of the most beloved (and deeply human) space operas .

“You know, Cowboy Bebop a very good story about the gig economy,” Martin said, laughing. “And people forget how small the characters are firefly like each other, right? They are more colleagues than friends, so that has something to do with that. ” During their days as a gig economy worker, Martin noted that they met many people from different walks of life and places, and as the work drew people closer to the plot, the workers still found human unity and connection.

The new game inherits many of the game systems of its predecessor. Each day or “cycle,” the player has up to five dice to assign to actions that will earn them money or advance the story. The probability of completing an action successfully depends on the die the player gives it. A five, for example, has a 50-50 chance of producing a neutral or positive outcome, while a six guarantees success. Each task also carries a risk factor, with negative dice rolls resulting in more severe consequences for “dangerous” and “dangerous” actions.

Then there are what the game calls “clocks,” the system that binds everything together. Most of the story objectives require the player to get away from a task for several cycles. At the same time, there is always a competing clock that counts down the amount of time before the story deadline.

Above, everything Citizen Sleeper’s The systems are simple, but they come together in a way that reinforces the game’s narrative. At least they did to begin with. In my first playthrough of Sleeping citizen, my character eventually earned enough money that securing the Stabilizer for them wasn’t an issue. Martin told me it was by design.

“I knew I had to have the players on my side,” they said of the first game. “I have to win people over. If the game is too intense, I feel like the players won’t give it the time I want them to give it. This time, I felt in a very different position. “

The player can bring up to two crew members on contracts.The player can bring up to two crew members on contracts.

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Sleeping citizen 2on the contrary, is a more confident game — himself, and his players to accept some kind of suffering. There are story beats and content that players will miss, which was often not true in the first game. It also features multiple difficulty settings, and on the hardest, the player’s Sleeper experiences permadeath. (If you want to keep that save file, you’ll have to lower the difficulty, but your Sleeper will be changed forever.)

“I don’t know how Sleeping citizen 2 was over when I started making it,” Martin told me, describing it as a “dangerous game” for a developer to play. “But because I did it first, I felt confident enough to play I’m in that game, and that it’s going to be something exciting.”

The intended effect of Sleeping citizen 2 for the player to feel like Martin is leading them through a tabletop RPG experience, like Dungeons and Dragons or Blades of Darkness. The story should feel improvised, surprising and moving.

Nowhere is TTRPG’s newfound confidence and inspiration more evident than in “Contracts,” Citizen Sleeper’s 2 signature new gameplay feature. Contracts take Sleeper and up to two companions to jobs far from the safety of population centers in the Starward Belt.

An early task of the Sleeper crew to disperse a damaged corporate battle drone. In practice, that means deactivating two separate systems on the spacecraft, with the catch being that as soon as I access one system, the timer for both starts ticking. Each Contract is a little pressure cooker, with its own risks that won’t be relieved until the Contract ends or the player fails.

The Rig is the Sleeper's ship and home to the Starward Belt. The Rig is the Sleeper's ship and home to the Starward Belt.

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The contracts also allow Martin to explore one of the Sleeping with the Citizen less perfectly informed ideas, “that the dice are the body of the Sleeper.” During Contracts, negative and neutral rolls made during risky and dangerous actions increase the Sleeper’s stress gauge — a system reminiscent of the need to get a Stabilizer in the early game. As the gauge fills up, certain rolls will begin to damage the player’s dice. Each of the Sleeper’s five dice can sustain three hits before breaking; they cannot be repaired until they are completely destroyed, and not until a Contract expires. Crewmates also have stress gauges, and filling them is no longer a commission for the remainder of a Contract.

Further complicating matters is that even after fixing the Sleeper dice, they don’t work as expected right away, due to another new mechanic called Glitch. Depending on the ingredients the player uses to repair the Sleeper’s body, they will fill up more or less of the Sleeper’s Glitch gauge. In turn, that means there is a greater chance of a regular die being converted to a glitched one, which has an inherent 80-20 chance of producing a negative or positive outcome, and skill points do nothing to change the odds.

At first getting a glitched die feels punishing, but I think this is one of the smartest systems Martin has added to the game. The fact that glitched dice aren’t affected by skills means they ignore negative modifiers, which makes them great for trying tasks that my Sleeper isn’t good at, and I really feel like I’m pushing my luck. In a nice touch, there’s even an achievement players can get, a fitting nod Cowboy Bebop named “Whatever happens, happens,” when they scored a positive result with a glitched die.

Scatteryards is a late-game area that the player can visit.Scatteryards is a late-game area that the player can visit.

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I never felt comfortable playing Sleeping citizen 2 the way I did in its predecessor. The game’s constant surprises meant I often pushed my Sleeper’s body to its breaking point to complete some of the more challenging scenarios. In that way, Sleeping citizen 2 is even more successful in combining its narrative and gameplay ambitions.

I also found the story deep and important at a time when it felt like the world was not moving in the right direction. The characters of Sleeping citizen 2 surrounded by endless hardship, and yet they find a way to continue.

“Isn’t it worthless that we keep trying to have human, meaningful relationships and build lives when we know that there are structures bigger than us that could crush us at any moment?” Martin asked me. “Or is it that, even though those structures are so big and powerful, we still live and work with a sense that we can do something and have meaningful relationships because our realities are very personal, true and directly?”

Like any good GM, Martin isn’t interested in giving anyone the answer to that question but is hopeful CITIZENS Sleep 2 may lead them to themselves.

Sleeping citizen 2 arrives on January 31 at Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5 and pc.

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