In a touching and inspiring gesture, Priyanshi Bhatt from Delhi used LinkedIn to help her father, a seasoned auto industry professional, find a new job. Priyanshi’s candid post titled “HIRE MY DAD!!!!”has garnered widespread attention and praise for its sincerity and love.
In his post, Priyanshi described his father as a dedicated, hardworking and empathetic leader with over three decades of experience in the automotive industry, especially in the paint shop segment. He has held esteemed positions like Manager, Plant Head, Director and CEO in reputed companies like Swaraj Mazda, Maruti Joint Venture, Alfa Cotec Industry and KD Industries.
He highlighted his father’s unwavering commitment to his work, even in difficult circumstances. Despite facing the financial instability of his current organization and not receiving his fixed salary for over a year, he has continued to work tirelessly, often working overtime and working on Sundays.
Describing his father’s leadership qualities, Priyanshi shared how his mentorship has earned him immense respect and loyalty. Many professionals who trained with him decades ago still seek his guidance and have followed him through organizations to remain under his tutelage.
“Despite all these odds, he has been giving his 200% to the company even giving his Sundays and overtime to the company, all thanks to his empathetic nature.”
The job search began due to the financial instability of his current company, which has made it difficult for him to meet his personal and family needs. After much persuasion from his family, he decided to explore new opportunities in the automotive industry.
Priyanshi’s post not only highlighted her father’s impressive career journey but also reflected her deep admiration and respect for him. She concluded by inviting prospective employers to connect with her for further discussions.
Reactions from the LinkedIn community
The post struck a chord with the LinkedIn community, garnering numerous supportive and encouraging responses:
One user commented, “This is such an inspiring initiative Priyanshi. It speaks volumes about your love and respect for your father. I sincerely hope your efforts help him find the right opportunity. I wish you and your best wishes for all the success.”
Another commented: “You spoke well and I appreciate the efforts you are making for your dad. He must be proud of you.”
A third user added: “I hope my daughter grows up with the same mindset as you. Lucky dad.”
To this, Priyanshi humbly replied, “Oh, I hope he’s 100 times better than me.”