You can, for example, ensure that only key apps such as the Phone app are available after certain hours at night. Screen time works on Apple computers and mobile devices, so settings are portable, and of course you can adjust these settings at any time as your kids grow.
The Microsoft account you use to sign in to Windows can be the basis of a family group that also allows you to keep track of your children. These features work across Windows, Android, and Xbox, and to a limited extent on iOS (again, Apple never allows other software the necessary access to apps for monitoring on the phone).
In this case, there is a little confusion between old and new tools. The best place to start is the Microsoft Family Safety website. From there you can specify the people in your family (families can have up to six people in them, including you), and access the Microsoft Family Safety app on the web, Androidand iOS.
All the regular features for your family can be accessed through web and mobile apps. Select one of your children and you can see where they are on the map (based on the location of their Android device), see how much time they spend on their devices, and set screen time limits, app usage, and web access.
Like Google and Apple, kids 13 and older can have their own Microsoft accounts, and you can create accounts for kids younger than that. Apps and games on Windows and Xbox can be filtered by age suitability, while web and search limits can be set through the Microsoft Edge browser. Apps can be blocked on Windows, Xbox, or Android.