Himanshu Rajpurohit, 19-year-old founder of health app Nexera.Health, recently opened up about his life after Shark Tank India Season 4. He said that ‘shark’ and OYO Rooms founder Ritesh Agarwal contacted him for an informal meeting and had a great time. a while with him
“To put the icing on the cake, Ritesh called me for an informal meeting and spent a good time with me. What’s better than meeting the mentor and learning from him,” the founder of Nexera.Health told The Times of India. in an interview
He said he would love to strike a deal with the OYO founder as he brings wisdom and calm to the table and will work in that direction.
Rajpurohit also mentioned that Nexera’s website has seen a 10-fold increase in its traffic after the airing of its episode. “We’ve been getting 10x the responses to our site after the episode, we’ve seen a huge jump from Shark Tank India and we’re confident we’d hit double the revenue target.”
He also spoke about his experience on the show and said that everything, including the companies and names mentioned during the presentation, was presented after due diligence. The young founder also talked about his website.
“Speaking of doing the website, we had scaled for the last three months and that’s how we updated our website, and yes, they didn’t find it right, but I would still try to understand what was wrong with it.”
He also said that investors, or ‘sharks’ as they are called, are mentors to him. When he was thrown out of meetings as a child, he used to learn from Ritesh and present his work, according to Rajpurohit.
He also reacted to CMO Aman Gupta’s remarks after its launch. Gupta had accused Rajpurohit of having a “success hangover which is reflected in his third business”. The young entrepreneur said the situation could have turned out better if Gupta had spent more time understanding each other.
Himanshu Rajpurohit could not get any deal on the show as his overconfidence upset the investors. While Kunal Bahl wasn’t sure about the app’s appeal to CFOs, Namita Thapar also declined to bid due to the lack of differentiation in the app.